PVC Windows
PVC Windows
In response to our customers’ interest and market trends, especially in certain areas, we have decided to enrich our offer with a wide range of PVC windows and doors.
In recent years, the use of PVC has grown significantly due to advances in production techniques, which make this material increasingly appreciated for its exceptional durability and minimal maintenance requirements.
Finishes can be smooth or faux wood, in any colour (from various browns to white, grey, etc.).
Our PVC windows are designed to keep rooms cool in summer and warm in winter, thus ensuring maximum comfort all year round.
There is also the Top-Alu model, which allows the inside of the PVC window frame to be made of PVC, while the outside is covered with an aluminium sheet dyed according to your needs/style/taste.


Top-level performance
Our PVC windows are manufactured with multi-chamber technology using profiles with optimal thermal insulation values, thus ensuring high thermal insulation, which, through reduced heat or air conditioning loss, leads to energy savings, resulting in economic and environmental benefits.